Meet the Author

I don't know how she does it

I'm sure you all have either read the book, watched the movie, or at least heard the plot line of the story by Allison Pearson, and most of us ladies out there can relate to at least some part of it.  As women, I think we tend to add more stress to already stressful situations and this takes its toll on our bodies and our health. We strive for perfection, and feel people have expectations of us.  We overcommit and put everyone and everything else before ourselves.  I believe that it's important for us all to find balance and harmony.  Here's my story...

The alarm goes off and I struggle to pull myself out of bed at 6:30am after having a difficult night of sleep because my mind (just like my alarm) would not shut off. I take a shower, grab a few snacks out of the fridge and rush off to work. My day then is filled with meetings, phone calls, and deadlines. I spend my "lunch break" trying to check an errand or two off my list, and then immediately get back to the grind until my work day ends around 6:00pm. I rush home and try to get in some sort of a work out. The night goes by quickly and then I am faced with that dreaded question..."What's for dinner?" I do my best to whip something together, stare at that pile of laundry staring me right back, and then maybe pay a few bills. Before I know it, the cycle is starting over again.

Sometimes I feel like I don't have time to breathe.

Welcome to my world.  My name is Michelle. I recently became a new mom and I don't know how I'll do it all.  Before the age of 30, I obtained an engineering degree, got a good start in a good career, married an incredible man, built a home and started a family.  I'm trying to climb my way up the corporate ladder while being a devoted mother and wife. This juggling act that I call my life often leaves me with long to do lists and even longer wish lists. I find myself wishing I had more time to devote to my family, more time to devote to my fitness and nutrition.  I also wish I had more free time to enjoy life and yet more time to volunteer to give to others. And most importantly, I feel like I don't give enough time to my faith and my God.

The question is: How does a working parent balance all of the important areas of life?? Can we REALLY do it all?

After all, I am an engineer and like to think I am efficient. Is it really possible?

The truth is that I live a very blessed life. I am thankful that I have a job to go to and a family to share life with. I am grateful for good health, and that I even have that house to clean! I thank God every day, but never feel like that's enough. What I realized is that I need balance.

This turning point in my life where I realized I needed to find some type of balance came after having one too many of my family members be diagnosed with an incurable or devastating disease. I hate cancer. I hate heart disease. I hate diabetes and I hate Crohn's Disease. Life is precious, and we never know when ours may drastically change.

I realized that while my career is important, my family, my health, and my God all mean even more. And to be truly happy in my life, I needed to find balance.

I certainly don't have all of the answers, but I am on a mission to find balance between taking care of my mind, body and family through faith, food, and a sense of humor!

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